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Monolith Synth

For the 2017 Bay Area Maker Faire, I helped create an interactive synthesizer for Paul Stoffregen, the creator of Teensy Microcontrollers.  We displayed the synthesizer in the Kickstarter booth during the event.  Paul had successfully kickstarted his new Teensy 3.6 and wanted to build a synthesizer that showcased some of its potentials, so he commissioned me from LadyBrain Studios, Ross Fish of Moffenzeef Modular, Ben Davis of Malekko to build an interactive synthesizer to take to the Bay Area Maker Faire.  Together we created a multifunctional synthesizer we called the ‘Monolith Synth’.

I and Paul flew to SFo ahead of the event to assemble the synthesizer with the crew from Tested.

Check out this detailed post on the DorkBotPDX page with links to the design files for this project.

This was the display card included with the demos

We had less than a month to complete the project, but with the other talented members on the team, we were able to create a durable and collaborative synth in time for the Bay Area Maker Faire.

The kids at the event had a blast interacting with the monolith synthesizer.

We won a ‘best in class’ award for our creation, Thanks Bay Area Maker Faire and Kickstarter!

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Interactive Wind Chime Installation: An Audio Collaborative Project

In 2018, I collaborated with Thomas Hudson to develop the audio content for his wind chime project, working alongside several other contributors from PDX Hackerspace. This project was showcased at both Pickathon and the Portland Mini-Maker Faire ’18, highlighting our efforts in friendly, interactive audio installations.


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Flaming Lips Oscillator

I was commissioned by Wayne Coyne of the Flaming Lips to build a custom-designed light-reactive sculptural instrument, which was actively used for a solo noise performance during their 2011 tour.  It was used on several occasions for the closing act of the song “Sleeping on the Roof”, being used during their live performance for the closing sequence of the last song from the album “The Soft Bulletin” and works as a great stage prop that has a lot of character to it. The tentacles, which were built upon request by Wayne, were built with a tone and volume control. Each tentacle produces its own sound, all of which are initially tuned to the same frequency, so the noise produced helps create the foundation for a ‘wall of sound’ with the 6 notes being played simultaneously.

custom-built instrument by Darcy Neal made for Wayne Coyne
One of the custom-built instruments by Darcy Neal made for Wayne Coyne

Here are some examples of the kit version of this instrument being used. I was testing it out with a stationary light source, as well as my programmable light sequencer, which is a work in progress.

01 Light Oscillator w Module 1

02 Light Oscillator w Module 2

03 Light Oscillator w Module 3

I went on to create custom PCBs that I used for teaching workshops where students learned about soldering and assembling their own circuits.


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Digital Mirror


The Digital Mirror is a reflection of oneself distorted through the lens of technology.  We see the essence of self through the lens of the computer, distorted and broken down into a series of pixels that bend and distort to create an otherworldly view into our digital psyche.  This project has served as the display for several projects, including the #lovebomb twitter map display, Digital Mirror mirror for the TWU Circuit Breaker art show, an interactive display at Toorcamp2018 and at the Work/Play exhibition at Paragon Arts Center, and now on display at CTRLH.